There is a known bug with certain versions of Microsoft Excel and Google Drive, whereby files with links/references/macros may hang or severely slow down the machine’s performance when the “real time presence in Microsoft Office” feature is enabled in Drive.
Turn off real-time presence
If you turn off real-time presence, other people won’t see you in a file.
- On your computer, click Drive for desktop icon:
- On a MAC the icon is in the top bar on the right by the time and on a PC it is in the system tray by the time on the lower right (though it may be hidden, click the arrow to show more icons)
- Click the settings gear icon, then on preferences
- At the top right, click on the settings gear icon:
- Uncheck the Real time presence in Microsoft Office box
- Click Save and restart your computer
FYI, from Google Enterprise Support Team in Nov 2020:
The issue you mentioned it’s been already reported to us with tracking number #141992437. Unfortunately, there is no ETA to be provided. Please note that due to the complexity of the issue, a resolution timeline can not be offered at the current time. I will close this bug as Bug FR: Open, this will show awareness of such to the Product Engineering team.